Theater Know-How Link Clearance

The other night I spent a couple of hours at my old high school, the Goethe-Gymnasium in Düsseldorf. When I was a student there, I was one of the kids in charge of all the technical aspects of the school’s drama group productions. I did this between 6th and 13th grade and really learned a lot during those days. So when the teacher heading the drama group asked me to pass on some of that knowledge to the next generation of students, I gladly complied.

I only had about two hours to cover the basics, so for further study I want to recommend the following pages from the German Wikipedia. This list is by no means exhaustive and I am sure there are other great resources besides Wikipedia, so feel to free to comment with additional links that you find useful.

Additionally, check out Stage Lighting Design 101 for an introduction to the basics of stage lighting (in English).



